Reduce engineers' man-hour entry work! Streamline and free yourself from the stress of double entry of man-hours!
TeamSpirit connector for Jira
This application reduces man-hour input work.
By linking with the man-hour management tool "TeamSpirit," information is automatically added to the TeamSpirit side by simply entering man-hour data into Jira issues.
Product Features
Increased Productivity
Not only does it reduce wasteful work such as entering man-hours twice, it also prevents input errors.
This allows engineers to manage man-hours for their projects with a single tool, leading to increased productivity.
You can concentrate on development
Inefficient work leads to loss of motivation.
By streamlining the labor involved in man-hour management, you can prevent engineers from omitting inputs and free up time to focus on development.
Product Functions
Recordable only in Jira
Man-hour input work can be performed on Jira issues without opening the TeamSpirit screen.
Reports and dashboards can be used as before even when using the work log screen added by this application.
Customizing the man-hour entry screen
Jira administrators can set the TeamSpirit "jobs" and work categories they want to enter for each Jira project as default values for the man-hour entry screen.
Using the default values eliminates the need to select jobs and work categories and allows you to quickly enter man-hours.
Project Management Permissions
Jira administrators can enforce access restrictions on general users by granting project permissions unique to this application via an authorization scheme.
Jira administrators can restrict users from entering jobs other than the Team Spirit jobs that have been set from the man-hour entry screen specified by the Jira administrator.